Extras zum Buch "Männer-TÜV"



Männergesundheit allgemein

Jacobi G et al: Praxis der Männergesundheit: Prävention, Schulmedizinische Fakten, Ganzheitlicher Zugang, Thieme, 2002

Polek E, Jones PB, Fearon P, Brodbeck J, Moutoussis M, Dolan R, Fonagy P Bullmore ET, Goodyer IM: Personality dimensions emerging during adolescence and young adulthood are underpinned by a single latent trait indexing impairment in social functioning. BMC Psychiatry. 2018 Jan 26;18(1):23.

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Gigerenzer G: Risiko, btb, 2014.

Schwägerl C: Ihre nächsten zehn Jahre. Was kommt auf Sie zu?, ZEIT Wissen Nr. 6/2014, 14. Oktober 2014

Böhm M, Jockenhövel F, Weidner W: Männersprechstunde: Das Praxishandbuch zu Beratung, Prävention und Therapie, Springer, 2014

Bardehle D, Stiehler M (Herausgeber): Erster Deutscher Männergesundheitsbericht: Ein Pilotbericht, Zuckschwerdt, 2010

Atzpodien K et al: Gesundheitliche Lage der Männer in Deutschland, Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin, 2014

Lewis C: Handbuch Männergesundheit: Inspektion, Wartung und Reparatur, Egmont vgs, 2005

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Kirby R, Kirby M: Männerheilkunde, Hogrefe, 2002


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Luo S, Au Yeung SL, Zhao JV, Burgess 5, Schooling CM: Association of genetically predicted testosterone with thromboembolism, heart failure, and myocardial infarction: mendelian randomisation study in UK Biobank. BMJ. 2019 Mar 6; 364:1476.

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Muraleedharan V et al: Testosterone deficiency is associated with increased risk of mortality and testosterone replacement improves survival in men with type 2 diabetes. Eur J Endocrinol 2013 169(6): p. 725-33

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Zhou CK et al: Relationship between male pattern baldness and the risk of aggressive prostate cancer: an analysis of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2015 Feb 10; 33 (5)

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Auvinen, A et al: Absolute Effect of Prostate Cancer Screening: Balance of Benefits and Harms by Center within the European Randomized Study of Prostate Cancer Screening. Clinical Cancer Research (2016) Jul 15;22(14): 3702

Hammelstein P Jäntsch B, Barnett W: Paruresis. Ein bisher vernachlässigtes psychotherapeutisches Problem. In: Psychotherapeut. 2003, Ausgabe 4, 5. 260-263.

Yang PJ, Pham JC, Choo J, Hu DL: Law of Urination: all mammals empty their bladders over the same duration, arXiv: 1310.3737

Thaler RH, Sunstein CR: Nudge. Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Penguin, 2009

Cockett ATK et al: Recommendations of the International Consensus Committee concerning Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Quality of Life Assessment; in The 2nd International Consultation on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Patronized by WHO. SCI 1994: pp. 553-55.


Barnes B et al: Bericht zum Krebsgeschehen in Deutschland 2016, Robert-Koch-Institut, Berlin, 2016

Sakr WA, Grignon DJ, Crissman JD et al: High grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) and prostatic adenocarcinoma between the ages of 20-69: an autopsy study of 249 cases. In Vivo. 1994 May-Jun: 8(3): 439-43.

Brandt A et al: Age-specific risk of incident prostate cancer and risk of death from prostate cancer defined by the number of affected family members. Eur Urol (2010), doi:10.1016/ j.eururo.2010.02.002

Hoffman RM et al: Racial and ethnic differences in advanced-stage prostate cancer: the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. In: J Natl Cancer Inst. 93, 2001, 5. 388-395

Zhou CK et al: Relationship between male pattern baldness and the risk of aggressive prostate cancer: an analysis of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2015 Feb 10; 33 (5)

Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie. Interdisziplinäre Leitlinie der Qualität S3 zur Früherkennung, Diagnose und Therapie der verschiedenen Stadien des Prostatakarzinoms.Version 5.0, April 2018. www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/043-022OL1_53_Prostatakarzinom_2018-04.pdf

Auvinen, A et al: Absolute Effect of Prostate Cancer Screening: Balance of Benefits and Harms by Center within the European Randomized Study of Prostate Cancer Screening. Clinical Cancer Research (2016) Jul 15;22(14): 3702

Hammelstein P Jäntsch B, Barnett W: Paruresis. Ein bisher vernachlässigtes psychotherapeutisches Problem. In: Psychotherapeut. 2003, Ausgabe 4, 5. 260-263.

Yang PJ, Pham JC, Choo J, Hu DL: Law of Urination: all mammals empty their bladders over the same duration, arXiv: 1310.3737

Thaler RH, Sunstein CR: Nudge. Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Penguin, 2009

Cockett ATK et al: Recommendations of the International Consensus Committee concerning Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Quality of Life Assessment; in The 2nd International Consultation on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Patronized by WHO. SCI 1994: pp. 553-55.


Barnes B et al: Bericht zum Krebsgeschehen in Deutschland 2016, Robert-Koch-Institut, Berlin, 2016

Sakr WA, Grignon DJ, Crissman JD et al: High grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) and prostatic adenocarcinoma between the ages of 20-69: an autopsy study of 249 cases. In Vivo. 1994 May-Jun: 8(3): 439-43.

Brandt A et al: Age-specific risk of incident prostate cancer and risk of death from prostate cancer defined by the number of affected family members. Eur Urol (2010), doi:10.1016/ j.eururo.2010.02.002

Hoffman RM et al: Racial and ethnic differences in advanced-stage prostate cancer: the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. In: J Natl Cancer Inst. 93, 2001, 5. 388-395

Zhou CK et al: Relationship between male pattern baldness and the risk of aggressive prostate cancer: an analysis of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2015 Feb 10; 33 (5)

Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie. Interdisziplinäre Leitlinie der Qualität S3 zur Früherkennung, Diagnose und Therapie der verschiedenen Stadien des Prostatakarzinoms.Version 5.0, April 2018. www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/043-022OL1_53_Prostatakarzinom_2018-04.pdf

Auvinen, A et al: Absolute Effect of Prostate Cancer Screening: Balance of Benefits and Harms by Center within the European Randomized Study of Prostate Cancer Screening. Clinical Cancer Research (2016) Jul 15;22(14): 3702

Hammelstein P Jäntsch B, Barnett W: Paruresis. Ein bisher vernachlässigtes psychotherapeutisches Problem. In: Psychotherapeut. 2003, Ausgabe 4, 5. 260-263.

Yang PJ, Pham JC, Choo J, Hu DL: Law of Urination: all mammals empty their bladders over the same duration, arXiv: 1310.3737

Thaler RH, Sunstein CR: Nudge. Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Penguin, 2009

Cockett ATK et al: Recommendations of the International Consensus Committee concerning Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Quality of Life Assessment; in The 2nd International Consultation on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Patronized by WHO. SCI 1994: pp. 553-55.


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